FREE Hypnosis Session for Self Love and Appreciation (hint: we all need it)

Greetings, Evan Beau Community!
It’s me again! My name is Kimberly Ann O’Connor and I am a professional hypnotist from! I hope you gained insight and power from my last blog post walking you through self-hypnosis technique step by step.
Did you know that 15 minutes in trance (hypnosis) is said to be equivalent to four hours of REM sleep? Were you aware that anyone can be hypnotized and that it is a safe, natural, and beautiful part of our human nature? I might add that hypnosis has been discussed since the dawn of human language and acclaimed in ancient Egyptian and Grecian temples as well as mentioned in the Book of Genesis in the bible. Hypnosis is amazing (but I may be biased seeing that I’ve been a professional hypnotist for over a decade now). Today, I’d like to offer something even more potent and powerful to this magnificent community. In collaboration with Lauren (founder of Evan Beau), I have curated and crafted a wholly positive hypnosis session to foster, nurture and nourish a sense of deep self-love and appreciation. This is directly in line with the mission of Evan Beau which is to honour the inherent wisdom and value of ourselves, our bodies, and our incredible largest organ, our skin. In this session, you will be guided to remember you are always enough, connect to your limitlessly capable body and speak lovingly to your precious inner child. Hypnosis is humanistic access to bring your conscious and unconscious mind into alignment and agreement. I hope you love it and I am always available at if you have any questions or feedback at all.
A few points to ensure you get the most from this experience…
PREPARE your home. Ensure you will have the time and privacy to experience trance fully. Let anyone else in the home know you need to be undisturbed if possible.
RELAX - This session is about 25 minutes long. Your ability to relax is paramount for positive results. Please ensure you aren't hungry or thirsty, that you are wearing comfortable clothing and you don't have to go to the washroom. Please lay comfortably with your head and neck supported. You will be laying but not completely supine. At any point during your session make any adjustments you need to make to be completely comfortable - a sneeze, scratch, swallow, shift, etc. The trance is not fragile. Gently continue to refocus on the sound of my voice and your relaxation throughout your script.
PRIVACY AND PEACE - Turn off all electronics that could disturb you. Ensure you won't be disturbed by others in the home. This is your time. No need for ambient music, I record your script with a soothing, backing track.
In short, lay back, relax, listen to the sound of my voice and honour your relaxation. Rest assured that hypnosis is safe. You will only hold suggestions that serve you and that resonate. I have imbued this session with the mantra “I am enough.” When you repeat that mantra silently or out loud you will feel peaceful and present.
Access the session here:
It is an honour and privilege to guide you through trance. Hypnosis is ancient, safe, and powerful and I wish you every blessing and happiness now and ongoingly. Contact me at for more information or to book your complimentary consultation today. I am here for you.
Love, Kimberly
Evan Beau Cosmetics reminds readers and listeners to be safe while entering hypnosis–do not operate machinery or a car, or be in any environment where falling asleep may be dangerous.